What’s good? This blog is about life and being healthy in general. On a whole we take things for granted everyday from our partners to being able to have food to eat. Being alive another day is a blessing, and think to yourself, how often do you celebrate it. I recently suffered a mild stroke. Didn’t even know I had it. But what I can tell you it provided a much needed wake up call for me. I didn’t have to survive and be here to tell about it. I am truly blessed. Its not about age. Its about stress and the things we stress really. Some things are beyond our control. When we make them an issue in our own lives, stress begins to play a major factor. I walk a lot slower now. I have been doing a lot of self analysis as well. People perceive me as always being on th go, hustling and that very much is me. However, I realized I have to slow down. My son isn’t even 3 yrs old yet. I have to be for him if anyone because he is the future. He carries on my legacy. And tt really means a lot to me. Until the next time, yall be safe and well!


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