Houston, Texas-based artist Ayrius presents “Rush”, his new single produced by Diamond Style Productions, the team behind collaborations with Snoop Dogg and Soulja Boy. Raised in the town of Hearne, Ayrius has collaborated with Grammy-nominated Nicki Minaj/Rick Ross producer K.E. On the Track (stream “This Moment”) and regularly collaborates with Houston produce Platinum P.A.T. (stream “Stay” on HipHopDX). “‘Rush’ is an apocalyptic love song,” he says about the new single, which was written and demoed in 2014, then re-visited & revamped for a 2019 release. “I wanted to create a song that reflected the times we live in. And today it seems as if everything is so corrupted & temporary, so why not rush the part where we get to know each other & just make love while we’re still alive & free?” |
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