Noisemaker Media and Jesse Abraham Present “Little Bit Of Everything.”

Little Bit Of Everything is an eclectic excursion from the norm. This video presents a form of escapist expressionism that is a welcome change from a wave of unimaginative raps and a flood of conceptually-try hard music videos. By disguising himself behind different personas, Jesse Abraham reveals himself to be either a prodigious genius or an unwitting satirist who questions the current state of rap music for its pretenses, posturing and false bravado. Director Mark Carranceja uses a cinema verite-style technique which brings to life the truth, honesty and sense of purpose in Jesse Abraham’s music. In the end, Jesse proves to be a gifted emcee who raps with an effortless flow and offers a brand of witty lyricism that is uniquely his own. Ultimately, creative ingenuity and a daringness to be bold will be Jesse’s mark that distinguishes his style from the rest of the pack.

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