Hello everyone, please let me formally introduce myself. My name is Chanes. I represent BreadStuy, Brooklyn and Im the breath for fresh ears about to take the industry by storm. I got a video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NlloQJIabo) on the Po Politickin site as well as an interview. I will also be hitting ya’ll with exclusive freestyles every week to let you know that I am that dude!!!! You can check me out at http://www.halohood.com/, which is my personal website or at www.myspace.com/chanemusick which is my myspace. I am working on an ep, a full length album ands several mixtapes at the moment. Just trying to stay relevant and if you appreciate real hiphop, I got you!!!!!!!! You can email me at chanes711@yahoo.com. or aim me using chanemusick . I hope all is well and if not make it well.!!!! Also, check out my blogs on myspace to see where you can request my music all at a radio station near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by admin | May 31, 2008 | Uncategorized | 1 comment
Thats what’s up! Support the homie Chanes… Hip Hop from the Heart, ya dig!