We recently politicked Bronx rapper R.E.A.L. about her uncle the legendary Grandmaster Flash, her view on the term/label “femcee”, and her current single “Never Too Late”.
Po: Thanks for coming thru politicking with us. I read how your name R.E.A.L. is an acronym for Rhymes Equals Actual Life, could you elaborate on this please.
R.E.A.L: The name Real was given to me as a teenager and it stuck. I decided to take it on as a performance name so I wanted it to have a meaning behind it. I saw an episode of Arsenal Hall years ago and KRS-1 was being interviewed. That is where the meaning stems from. My music is created through my life experience as well the individuals around me. Therefore, my rhymes equal actual life.
Po: Could you discuss your musical background and how your passion for hip hop?
R.E.A.L: I actually started out as a dancer with my brothers. I guess you can say I was born to entertain. I also started rapping at a young age as well as playing the violin. Music has always been a huge part of my life. My passion comes from my desire to deliver a positive message to the consumers.
Po: Describe your style? What do you feel separates you from the millions of other rappers out?
R.E.A.L: My style is a combination of soul, extreme energy and witty word play. What separated me from other rappers is the way I convey my thoughts. We all share many of the same experiences but it is the way we choose to delivery our message that separates us.
Po: I read that the legendary Grandmaster Flash is your uncle? How was it growing up? What’s the most important lesson he taught you?
R.E.A.L: Growing up they spent a lot of time away from the family. Hip-hop was still new so they had to put a lot of work in. The most important thing I have learned is to make sure my business is in order. It takes more than talent to be successful in this business.
Po: Who’s your top 5 rappers (new school)?
R.E.A.L: I can’t name 5 but I can give you 3 such as Fred The Godson, J-Cole and Diggy Simmons.
Po: What are your 5 favorite books?
R.E.A.L: The Bible, The Art of War, The Art of Power, The Secret and Be More Careful
Po: I have interviewed many femcees who shared their plight of succeeding in a male dominated industry. What’s your take?
R.E.A.L Well first let me start by saying I don’t agree with the term Femcee. I feel I am just an emcee and there is no need to separate myself. I think this is a big part of why it is harder for women to succeed. We are not viewed in the same light as our male counterparts. I believe if you make good music male or female your success will come.
Po: Could you discuss your current projects?
R.E.A.L: My current project “Never Too Late” focuses on my struggle through life and music. My goal is to inspire and motivate anyone who listens to chase their dreams because it is “Never Too Late”.
Po: What advice would you give to aspiring artists?
R.E.A.L: It takes hard work and dedication as well as preparation to succeed. You have to create your own lane because there are no hand outs in this business. It takes a strong team with knowledge of the business to assist you. Recognizing your talent is only the beginning. If you believe in yourself and you are ready to work it can happen for you.
Po: Once again, thanks for coming thru. Any parting words for the readers?
R.E.A.L: Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Life is what you make it.